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Social Media Marketing

While the FMC design process is market centric, our marketing services are customer centric.  We design plans around our customers, not around the markets.  Our digital marketing services are driven not only by passion, but a driving desire to deliver exceptional sales conversions and ROI for our clients.  We invest a substantial amount of time understanding our client's benchmarks of success as well as designing strategies to gain maximum market share. 

Email Marketing, Data Collection, Confirmation, Streamlined

Email marketing to cultivate brand loyalty along with direct response advertising, newsletter and client communication, as well as other promotional marketing efforts via email messaging to current and prospective clients.  Email is one of the few marketing channels we can use to build an authentic connection with the humans that keep our business alive.  


Press Release Writing & Guaranteed Publishing!


We will write press releases for your company and products, as well as get it published in multiple media sources and newspapers.  We Guarantee it!

Subsequent to our successful publishing, we will use these news articles in our Internet marketing campaigns.  We also develop relationships with social media influencers in the perspective category and get the biggest bang for your buck with regard to publishing.

SEO - Search Engine Optimization

WMG offers SEO that drives sales, not just traffic.  Another words, you can get them to your site, but then what?  Whether you're building a new site or optimizing an existing site, we'll also create compelling content for maximum conversions.  We review and optimize your compaign every month, adjusting to continuously improve the quality and quantity of your prospects. 

First we perform an SEO audit to determine your online strengths and weaknesses.  We take into account your company's online performance and conduct an analysis of your competition to see what they are doing, whether right or wrong.


We then develop a strategy to generate an ongoing stream of new customers.  We optimize on-site content for user experience.  We also optimie the "back end" of your site to improve search engine visibilty.

Social Media Management

Sending your brand message to over 3 billion people is not an easy task.  Social Media Marketing is the best way to communicate with your target audience.  Success in social media is largely measured by audience engagement.  Businesses need be in constant interaction with their followers across all major platforms.

Our social media services include Brand Strategy, Writing Content, Photography and Videography, Competitive Analysis, Caption copywriting, Hashtag research, Influencer Marketing, Community Management, and Paid ad strategy and management.  We also can create and manage your pay-per click campaigns as well. 

Case Studies

Herschel Supply Co.

Herschel Bags and Accessories founded in 2009.  Social media management is the central means of marketing the Herschel brand which does not participate in traditional media buys.  Anything that Herschel wants to bring to its audience comes directly from its social media. Through social media, anyone and everyone around the globe can see what Herschel is doing as well as the new press releases that are made available.  It started with social media telling the story to its followers and evolved into the followers telling the Herschel story for them!  Herschel executives knew that when they woke up in the morning and found themselves with six or seven thousand new followers that they were on the right track.  However it doesn't stop there.  Because of this trend, its so important that anything and everything we put-out on behalf of Herschel was approved by their marketing team who helped a great deal by assigning tasks to their marketing team with the help of market centric software which we helped to schedule posts by various members of their staff and ours. 


Whole Health is a leading premiere supplier of vitamins and supplements online since 1997. They needed a complete overhaul of their social media presence which was almost non-existent while revamping their existing PPC advertising campaign to make their advertising spend profitable again. Additionally, we implemented a content-marketing campaign complete with  an SEO plan to complement a Social Media campaign to assist with reference marketing.  After using several agencies, testing automated software, and trying to run PPC in-house, they switched to us to make their e-commerce ad campaigns profitable again as well as implement our new strategies. Our team was able to overhaul their existing account and filter through years of performance data to produce a great ROI again!

Results of the new content marketing, social media and PPC campaigns increased conversion rates by 70%, revenue by 139% and return on ad spending by nearly 150%. 

Adrena Line Zipline

Adrena LINE Zipline Adventure Tours is a 2 hour guided zip line tour over the beautiful Vancouver Island rainforest treetop canopy. Located in Sooke, BC – just outside of Victoria, BC – Adrena LINE draws thrill seeking guests in from all over the world.

Their objective was to increase guests from North America, particularly the US and Canada.

By building a new conversion optimized website which supported social media efforts, and an entirely new Google AdWords campaign for North America, the 2015 season saw a huge difference when compared to the prior years.

There was an increase of 59.4% in US and Canada bookings through our online marketing efforts with a 17% website conversion rate.

We did this by:

  • Identifying high-traffic organic keyword opportunities

  • Eliminating a number of under performing keyword options

  • 5% click thru rate in AdWords

  • Achieving an average cost per click of $0.59

  • Driving over 3,600 sessions per month from organic search

Inkjet Wholesale

Inkjet Wholesale is a warehouse-direct supplier of inkjet, laser, and copier consumables. With guarantees on price, products, and service, Inkjet Wholesale has carved out a highly successful niche as an online alternative for printer and copier consumables.

Inkjet Wholesale had advertised profitably on Google AdWords for quite some time, and had always managed their campaigns internally. But as the business continued to grow, there never seemed to be time to proactively manage the account. Their AdWords ROI started to suffer as both competition and costs increased.

With their in-house resources kept busy, Inkjet Wholesale were after an external party who could revitalize Google AdWords as a highly profitable source of revenue. After speaking with many consultants and marketing agencies, Inkjet Wholesale decided to engage Marketing Results on a 90-day pilot program.

The objective was to boost overall profitability of Google AdWords by increasing the sales conversion rate of AdWords traffic, and to generate more PPC sales at lower average cost by optimizing Google AdWords account settings.

We conducted a thorough analysis of their wholesale AdWords account to identify current strengths, areas for improvement and future opportunities to boost results.  We rebuilt the AdWords campaigns by stratetically adjusting campaign settings, targeting, and ad messaging. We proactively optimized AdWords to drive high quality traffic and increase PPC sales and conversion rates.

The cost of sale decreased dramatically by over 40% with higher-than-ever sales conversion rates, while the AdWords ROI doubled within three months. Essentially they cut their AdWords bill almost in half without losing any sales revenue. 

Customized Stickers was already a growing business, but owner Anthony Khoury wanted improved marketing strategies and systems to “get to the next level”.

He identified internet marketing and direct mail as two promising opportunities, and approached Marketing Results to assist with strategy and implementation.

Their objective was to increase total sales volume, strengthening existing ecommerce systems to help deal with higher volumes of orders and to build a system to track marketing expenses and maximize marketing ROI of a growing marketing budget.

We conducted an analysis of existing processes and opportunities, re-designed their website from the ground-up, and conducted ROI analyzing and reporting to monitor the ROI of a $10,000 per month marketing budget.

Annual online revenue increased by 500% in 12 months. Relationships formed with 850 resellers, and the average number of non-sales inquiries cut by over 50%. 


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